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πŸ›  Management API


The Management API is only available when using a special binary of Nomad IIS.
Please also note, that the API is experimental and may change in the future.

The Management API is very powerfull and provides additional features, not provided by Nomad directly. It is meant to be called by some external higher-order service or management tool.

Most endpoints will need you to provide the allocation id which means, you first need to talk to the Nomad API to find that out.

Enabling the API​

You need to enable the Management API by providing a dedicated port as shown below.

plugin "nomad_iis" {
args = ["--management-api-port=5004", "--management-api-key=12345"]
config {
enabled = true

Securing the API​

It is highly recommended to provide an API-Key to secure the API. Specify the key using the --management-api-key-argument as shown above. In this case, every API-call needs to provide this key as X-Api-Key header.

Task Status​

Getting the current Task and Application Pool Status​

GET /api/v1/allocs/{allocId}/{taskName}/status

This will return a JSON-object in the following format:

"allocId": "<allocId>",
"taskName": "<taskName>",
"applicationPool": {
"status": "Started",
"isWorkerProcessRunning": true

applicationPool.status values are:

  • Starting
  • Started
  • Stopping
  • Stopped
  • Unknown

Filesystem Access​

Download a File or Folder​

GET /api/v1/allocs/{allocId}/{taskName}/fs/{path}

This allows you to download a single file or an entire folder from the task directory. The path needs to be URL-encoded and point to a single file when downloading a file and to a folder, when downloading an entire folder as a ZIP-archive.

Upload a File or ZIP-Archive​

PUT /api/v1/allocs/{allocId}/{taskName}/fs/{path}[?clean=true/false]
PATCH /api/v1/allocs/{allocId}/{taskName}/fs/{path}[?clean=true/false]

With this API you can upload a single file or an entire ZIP-archive into the specified folder of the task directory. Make sure you send the correct Content-Type-header (application-zip for ZIP-files and application/octet-stream for files). The path needs to be URL-encoded and point to a single file when sending a file and to a folder, when sending a ZIP-archive.

Setting the clean-parameter to true will delete all files in the target-directory before uploading the new ones. The default is false.

The difference between the PUT and PATCH method is, that PUT will stop the application while uploading the file, whereas PATCH will hot-patch the file, keeping the app running. Keep in mind that hot-patching may fail if some files are currently being locked by the worker process.


Using these methods it is possible to upload an application into a previously deployed allocation. This can be thought as the opposite of Nomad pulling the application from somewhere. This is usefull if you want to run an application shortly, eg. to run UI-tests against.


ZIP-archives will be extracted by default. If you want to upload the ZIP-file as-is, send it using the Content-Type set to application/octet-stream.


If Nomad reschedules the allocation, all uploaded application files will be lost.


Upload a zipped application to the local directory

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-Api-Key: 12345" \
-H "Content-Type: application/zip" \
--data-binary @"C:\Path\To\" \

Download the entire local directory as a zip archive

curl -X GET \
-H "X-Api-Key: 12345" \
-o "" \

Download just a single file from the local directory

curl -X GET \
-H "X-Api-Key: 12345" \
-o "index.html" \

Delete a file or folder​

DELETE /api/v1/allocs/{allocId}/{taskName}/fs/{path}

Deletes a file or folder. If the path ends with /* or /*.* the folder will only be cleaned.

Application Pool Lifecycle Management​

PUT /api/v1/allocs/{allocId}/{taskName}/startStart the Application PoolΒ 
PUT /api/v1/allocs/{allocId}/{taskName}/stopStop the Application Pool while keeping the Nomad allocation runningΒ 
PUT /api/v1/allocs/{allocId}/{taskName}/recycleRecycle the Application PoolΒ 

Taking a local Screenshot​

GET /api/v1/allocs/{allocId}/{taskName}/screenshot[?path=/]

Screenshots will be taken by Playwright, which starts a local Chrome browser. This requires downloading some necessary drivers from the Internet, which means the first request will take a few seconds.


Take a screenshot

curl -X GET -O \
-H "X-Api-Key: 12345" \

Taking a Process Dump​


To use this feature you need to download and install procdump.exe to C:\procdump.exe or specify a different location in the driver configuration.
You also have to agree to the EULA of procdump by setting accept_eula to true.

GET /api/v1/allocs/{allocId}/{taskName}/procdump

Sometimes you need to investigate a performance or memory issue and need a process dump of the w3wp worker process. By calling this API, a process dump will be created using procdump.exe which will be streamed to the client.


Take a process dump

curl -X GET -O \
-H "X-Api-Key: 12345" \