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💡 Good to know / FAQ

Anonymous Authentication and the IUSR account​

By default, this driver will permit the built-in IUSR-account to the local task directory. This should allow anonymous authentication to work directly.
You can optionally disable this by setting permit_iusr = false. In this case you may need to add the following snippet to your web.config to make anonymous authentication use the AppPoolIdentity instead.

<anonymousAuthentication userName="" />

By default, changing the anonymous authentication via custom web.config is not allowed in IIS and you will get a 500 - Internal Server Error. The corresponding section is locked on IIS Instance level. To unlock it, open the IIS Management Console, select the Server node on the left side and then navigate to Feature Delegation. Look for the entry Authentication - Anonymous and change it to Read/Write. If you want to automate this process, run the following Powershell Command: Set-WebConfiguration //System.WebServer/Security/Authentication/anonymousAuthentication -metadata overrideMode -value Allow -PSPath IIS:/

## asp-net-sample-app returns 500 - Internal Server Error

The asp-net-sample-app changes the anonymous authentication in a way, so that the App Pool Identity is being used.
Please see the *Important*-box above.