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I suggest to use HashiCorp Packer for automating the provisioning of client nodes if you need to maintain a lot of nodes. I'll provide an example as soon as i have time.


Running Nomad IIS has the following system requirements:

  • Windows Server 2016+
    • Using Windows 10 also works but is not recommended in production.
  • IIS 10
  • Up to date Nomad Cluster

Currently i only test against the latest versions of Nomad, although older versions down to 1.6 might work.


Install Windows Server Core without the Desktop Experience to save RAM.

Install Windows IIS​

You can use the following Powershell script to install IIS on your machine.

$features = @(

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $features

By default, Windows will setup a default Website and some Application Pools when installing IIS. If you don't need them, you can remove them by running:

Remove-IISSite -Name "Default Web Site"
Remove-WebAppPool -Name ".NET v4.5"
Remove-WebAppPool -Name ".NET v4.5 Classic"
Remove-WebAppPool -Name "DefaultAppPool"

Enable feature delegation for Anonymous Authentication in the host configuration of IIS by running:

Set-WebConfiguration //System.WebServer/Security/Authentication/anonymousAuthentication -metadata overrideMode -value Allow

This is not needed for Nomad-IIS to run, but may be required by some workloads like our sample application.

Setup Windows Firewall​

Nomad client will dynamically allocate ports on your machine in the range 20000-32000. Therefore we need to open these ports on the Windows Firewall by running:

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow Nomad Dynamic Ports 20000-32000" -Action Allow -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 20000-32000

Nomad Client Installation​

Follow the official tutorials from HashiCorp to install a Nomad Client on your Windows Server.

Download Nomad IIS​

Download the latest version of the Nomad-IIS plugin from the Releases page at GitHub.


Extract the ZIP-file and copy the nomad_iis.exe into your configured plugin directory.

Configure Nomad IIS​

Add the following snippet to your Nomad client configuration file and restart the client.

plugin "nomad_iis" {
config {
enabled = true

After you've restarted the client, open the UI of your Nomad cluster and navigate to the client. The IIS driver should now be healthy and report some version stats.

Driver Stats